A bit of everything. Many sides of my life reflecting a lot of personalities

Friday, July 27, 2007


hmmm some people asked me, what to do in interview, what answers should be given in interview.

Well my answer is:

there is no the only correct one how to answer, there is no only correct one to score the point.

What I can say is be yourself so you can be relaxing under your own skin, not pretending too much being a silly person, that can not be existing in this life.

But there are several dont's such as:

- never hinting too much, where are you going with your career. Questions such as, what will you do in the next 5 year or three years. If you are applying for a technical or scientifical jobs, never, never answer that in 5 years you want to change into management or something. They want to hire you as technical and scientifical person, they don't want to loose money for your education/training and in 3 years you don't want to work in the same field.

- never underestimate yourself. Be humble. Nope, no way. You are not to humble yourself here. You are selling yourself. But not to overestimate, since it will give a sense that you are lying. To be identified as a liar is the worst thing can ever happen during your interview.

- never showed unprepared. Always make a little research about the job position you are applying and the company. Yes the company. It will show, that you have interest with the company not only looking for money.

- never be in the wrong dress. To keep it safe, wear just a normal interview dress code. For a man suit with tie (normal one please, don't use funny character pattern tie or funny pattern suit). For a lady you can use a normal office dress. Well I am talking about office type work interview.

-never bring your tardyness to the interview. Being late is really really bad. Unless you can come out for something, then you might get away with this mistake. But never use argument like traffic jam. This is not a good argument. Since you have to count on traffic jam for your interview. I always say please be there at least 15 minutes before the appointment. Not only it going save you against the bell, but can: help you in watching the company's condition and environment. help you in preparing your mind by adjusting yourself with the environment.

ok thats all for now, I might add other thing if I have time later.


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