A bit of everything. Many sides of my life reflecting a lot of personalities

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Thing that I learned this last week.

Life is difficult, compared to what?

I read this statement from a blog. I forgot which one. Sorry folks. Again today I heard more or less same statement from a preacher.

I hate people who always complain about anything, like his or her life is the hardest life on earth. I can not blame them. Might be it is like that. But I dislike them.

If somebody said his life is hard, the question then compared to what. If he said compared to man A's life. How could he said that. He never run A's life. How could he know that A has an easier life than he has. People only see thing from outside. Everybody has their own mask to uncover thing or to be sure others see how he wants other to perceive him. A could be seen to have a marvelous wonderful life from outside. Is it mean that A has really an easier life than other. Not necessary. It is how A handles his life and how A shows his life to other what we see.

I always believe different people try to perceive their life according to their behavior and their image of life. Other take it easier other take it harder. Some people can not move on from his problem because he doesnt do the action to do so. He is just blaming cursing the situation and try to get a pity from other people. This behavior will not help him at all. Waiting for a pity will not make you stronger.

Remember what Friedrich Nietzsche said: That which does not kill us makes us stronger.

Okay he is not christian, but he did has a point. You can only getting stronger by not letting the situation killing you. Killing your enthusiasm, your energy, your laugh, your relationship, etc. You are the one who is able to kill yourself.

I am always be a quiet positive guy. I tried not to think negatively about anything. But.

always "hope for the best prepare for the worst".

I also going to take some actions to repair many things/aspects in my life. I hope I can really do these things as soon as possible.




Silly said...

Gosh... Ilove this post.

You know paul, sometimes people (well, I used to be this kind of person actually) busy complaining about their lifes... think that his/herlife is the hardest life in this world.

We forgot that HE never promise an easy road for our journey... but HE promise us that with HIM, we will never be afraid, and He will taking care of us, ease our pain, and lead us to the LIGHT.

I use to say the words "What doesn't kill me makes me strong", but I don't know where did those words came from. Hmmm, Friedrich Nietzsche???... now I know it, hehehe.. thanks anyway. and thanks for reading my "silly" blog yach. I'm happy to have such a nice friends like you.

(ini beneran, judging from your pictures... saya pikir kamu anak gaul yg gak begitu peduli sama oranglain... but reading this article makes me change my opinion about you. You're a positive person. That's very good, gak banyak yg bisa melihat hidup mereka dgn cara yg positive, termasuk saya juga... hehehe..)

btw, about blogging, well, I cannot blame the person who always write about how hard their life is... might be in his/her real life... he/she is a nice person, never compalining about anything, because he/she already put it away by writing them on their e-diary called blog???...who knows... hehehee... so.. if you find something like this next time... just leave the blog without reading them... so you'll always and still be positive... to your self and to others... like you use to be...

Hugs from Indonesia,

paulkun said...


thanks buat complement nya.
gua rasa blogging itu juga suatu cara untuk get rid of negative feeling. It is better to get rid of it in a good way compared to start a pity party.