A bit of everything. Many sides of my life reflecting a lot of personalities

Friday, May 02, 2008

crazy thought for today

what about making some naked picture of myself hehehehehehe.
And publish them all over internet. My parents will kill me. hehehehehe
Artistic picture or kind of exhibitionist or other will think as phedophilia object. arggghhh.
Well naked body of a woman is beautiful. It is created as an art, to be marvelled and enjoyed. But man's body hehehehe. Well just naughty thought for today.
Yup I still remember when an old man thought that he can buy me and use me as sex object. Thinking I am phedopilia object due to that I look young. First I am not interested (not the sexual preference I have), and if I am interested, I will put a very high price. I am paid hourly here for my job and it is quiet expensive. hehehehe


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