A bit of everything. Many sides of my life reflecting a lot of personalities
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
today in our church we have service in 3 languages. Actually it was kind of 3 churches joined together for a service.
FYI the building we are using is used by some other churches. They have different time of service. Anyway it was really a great service.
The service was done in English German and Spanish. I posted also the song that we sang today.
Abre mis Ojos Senor
FYI the building we are using is used by some other churches. They have different time of service. Anyway it was really a great service.
The service was done in English German and Spanish. I posted also the song that we sang today.
Abre mis Ojos Senor
Sunday, August 05, 2007
So I got the idea while I was reading my favorite blog from Miund
I look like Bob Marley

2nd try
now I look like Vin Diesel. Oh yeah want to brag, this is the photo, when I was flying with the first class. First time ever for me to enjoy this priviledge. :-D

now the third time,
Since it changes all the time, I think this face recognition feature doesn't really work.
I look like Bob Marley
2nd try
now I look like Vin Diesel. Oh yeah want to brag, this is the photo, when I was flying with the first class. First time ever for me to enjoy this priviledge. :-D
now the third time,
http://www.myheritage.com |
Since it changes all the time, I think this face recognition feature doesn't really work.
funny scene from friends,
when Chandler BING invited his mom and his dad for the pre wedding dinner.
Chandler has a very bad childhood. His mom molested him, such as she was the first to put condom to him. His dad has sex change.
So the talk went like this:
Aren't you too old to wear a dress like that
don't you have too much penis to wear a dress like that
when Chandler BING invited his mom and his dad for the pre wedding dinner.
Chandler has a very bad childhood. His mom molested him, such as she was the first to put condom to him. His dad has sex change.
So the talk went like this:
Aren't you too old to wear a dress like that
don't you have too much penis to wear a dress like that
Monday, July 30, 2007
ok ok I admit they shaved me for the operation. But I don't recall it at all. Since I was under full anesthetic. Just feeling wierd. To see shaven me. :-D
They also shave my right thight. Thought I don't understand till now why they did that. My theory is that they wanted to try how sharp the razor is, so they tried it first with my thight. :-D
The other story with the anesthetia, the doctor/surgeon was asking me at the beginning, if I wanted to have full or partial. And he told me for this operation usually the patient will get partial one.
But hey its me. I dont want to see what are they doing with my body. So I told them to give me the full one. So I just need to wake up after everything was done.
The other thing is the operation process here is like mass production. You just lie in the queue, come in get cut, and get out. It is so amazing how you can even optimize the operation hall into a profitable and cost efficient process.
ok ok I admit they shaved me for the operation. But I don't recall it at all. Since I was under full anesthetic. Just feeling wierd. To see shaven me. :-D
They also shave my right thight. Thought I don't understand till now why they did that. My theory is that they wanted to try how sharp the razor is, so they tried it first with my thight. :-D
The other story with the anesthetia, the doctor/surgeon was asking me at the beginning, if I wanted to have full or partial. And he told me for this operation usually the patient will get partial one.
But hey its me. I dont want to see what are they doing with my body. So I told them to give me the full one. So I just need to wake up after everything was done.
The other thing is the operation process here is like mass production. You just lie in the queue, come in get cut, and get out. It is so amazing how you can even optimize the operation hall into a profitable and cost efficient process.
yes I am already at home. not so likely isn't it. :-D but I try to relax and get some time off. I still feel some pain from my operation.
Oh yeah I haven't written anything regarding my operation.
So 2 weeks ago I had an operation in my belly. Had somehow polyps in my intestine and the doctor had to cut them out. The operation was great it was efficient (fast and perfect). But the pain after the operation was horrible.
The first 2 days I couldn't take a pee (urinate). It was really scary. I though it will burst due to the pressure. I was so afraid so I talked with the nurse. The nurse said that if this continues, I had to take catheter inside my penis. Thinking of that. I was like OH MY GOD (remember the Janice from Friends :-D) So I tried to concentrate as hard as possible to urinate. It took me about 30 minutes until the water came out (after 4 tries). It was such a relieve. Thinking about catheter forced me to use all of my strength to take a pee.
Remembe He-Man? So I was using all the power from the universe so I can use all my muscle inside my body to force the water moving through the system until the head of my penis.
Thanks God!
Can you imagine that thing inserted inside your penis. Ugghhh. No way. I hate it. It looks like the worst thing ever.
yes I am already at home. not so likely isn't it. :-D but I try to relax and get some time off. I still feel some pain from my operation.
Oh yeah I haven't written anything regarding my operation.
So 2 weeks ago I had an operation in my belly. Had somehow polyps in my intestine and the doctor had to cut them out. The operation was great it was efficient (fast and perfect). But the pain after the operation was horrible.
The first 2 days I couldn't take a pee (urinate). It was really scary. I though it will burst due to the pressure. I was so afraid so I talked with the nurse. The nurse said that if this continues, I had to take catheter inside my penis. Thinking of that. I was like OH MY GOD (remember the Janice from Friends :-D) So I tried to concentrate as hard as possible to urinate. It took me about 30 minutes until the water came out (after 4 tries). It was such a relieve. Thinking about catheter forced me to use all of my strength to take a pee.
Remembe He-Man? So I was using all the power from the universe so I can use all my muscle inside my body to force the water moving through the system until the head of my penis.
Thanks God!
Can you imagine that thing inserted inside your penis. Ugghhh. No way. I hate it. It looks like the worst thing ever.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
my old friend called me to wish me happy bday. well not directly it is more belated bday. Since she forgot it on the day.
anyway the conversation is like this:
friend: oh iya gua baru inget kalau loh ulang tahun. Padahal mestinya gua sadar kalau ulang tahun loh itu bener bulan juni. Kan loh gemini. Dan jelas banget karena loh genit.
(it is more or less like this, she apologized for not remember my bday in June, which she should have been known, since it is gemini, and it fits me, because I am flirtatious)
me: he........... (speechless)
am I flirtatious? I don't think so!!!!
oh well not that bad.
my old friend called me to wish me happy bday. well not directly it is more belated bday. Since she forgot it on the day.
anyway the conversation is like this:
friend: oh iya gua baru inget kalau loh ulang tahun. Padahal mestinya gua sadar kalau ulang tahun loh itu bener bulan juni. Kan loh gemini. Dan jelas banget karena loh genit.
(it is more or less like this, she apologized for not remember my bday in June, which she should have been known, since it is gemini, and it fits me, because I am flirtatious)
me: he........... (speechless)
am I flirtatious? I don't think so!!!!
oh well not that bad.
Friday, July 27, 2007
hmmm some people asked me, what to do in interview, what answers should be given in interview.
Well my answer is:
there is no the only correct one how to answer, there is no only correct one to score the point.
What I can say is be yourself so you can be relaxing under your own skin, not pretending too much being a silly person, that can not be existing in this life.
But there are several dont's such as:
- never hinting too much, where are you going with your career. Questions such as, what will you do in the next 5 year or three years. If you are applying for a technical or scientifical jobs, never, never answer that in 5 years you want to change into management or something. They want to hire you as technical and scientifical person, they don't want to loose money for your education/training and in 3 years you don't want to work in the same field.
- never underestimate yourself. Be humble. Nope, no way. You are not to humble yourself here. You are selling yourself. But not to overestimate, since it will give a sense that you are lying. To be identified as a liar is the worst thing can ever happen during your interview.
- never showed unprepared. Always make a little research about the job position you are applying and the company. Yes the company. It will show, that you have interest with the company not only looking for money.
- never be in the wrong dress. To keep it safe, wear just a normal interview dress code. For a man suit with tie (normal one please, don't use funny character pattern tie or funny pattern suit). For a lady you can use a normal office dress. Well I am talking about office type work interview.
-never bring your tardyness to the interview. Being late is really really bad. Unless you can come out for something, then you might get away with this mistake. But never use argument like traffic jam. This is not a good argument. Since you have to count on traffic jam for your interview. I always say please be there at least 15 minutes before the appointment. Not only it going save you against the bell, but can: help you in watching the company's condition and environment. help you in preparing your mind by adjusting yourself with the environment.
ok thats all for now, I might add other thing if I have time later.
hmmm some people asked me, what to do in interview, what answers should be given in interview.
Well my answer is:
there is no the only correct one how to answer, there is no only correct one to score the point.
What I can say is be yourself so you can be relaxing under your own skin, not pretending too much being a silly person, that can not be existing in this life.
But there are several dont's such as:
- never hinting too much, where are you going with your career. Questions such as, what will you do in the next 5 year or three years. If you are applying for a technical or scientifical jobs, never, never answer that in 5 years you want to change into management or something. They want to hire you as technical and scientifical person, they don't want to loose money for your education/training and in 3 years you don't want to work in the same field.
- never underestimate yourself. Be humble. Nope, no way. You are not to humble yourself here. You are selling yourself. But not to overestimate, since it will give a sense that you are lying. To be identified as a liar is the worst thing can ever happen during your interview.
- never showed unprepared. Always make a little research about the job position you are applying and the company. Yes the company. It will show, that you have interest with the company not only looking for money.
- never be in the wrong dress. To keep it safe, wear just a normal interview dress code. For a man suit with tie (normal one please, don't use funny character pattern tie or funny pattern suit). For a lady you can use a normal office dress. Well I am talking about office type work interview.
-never bring your tardyness to the interview. Being late is really really bad. Unless you can come out for something, then you might get away with this mistake. But never use argument like traffic jam. This is not a good argument. Since you have to count on traffic jam for your interview. I always say please be there at least 15 minutes before the appointment. Not only it going save you against the bell, but can: help you in watching the company's condition and environment. help you in preparing your mind by adjusting yourself with the environment.
ok thats all for now, I might add other thing if I have time later.
I was reading some blogs at the moment, because I can not do much things at the moment. :-( Yes I have just been operated for small problem. Due to this operation. I was in the most unproductive time of my life. Can't do anything. Can only lay down and watching talk show. Never knew that Talk Shows are the most embarrassing and the most boring show ever shown. :-D
Anyway I am quiet glad that I almost get back to normal life again. My body is on the recovering tour. This is magnificent. I should thank the doctors (surgeons) and the nurses there. They were great. They were very efficient and very caring to us, the patients.
Most of all to God for let me get through this thing to understand everything is under His control not my control. To just depend on Him totally.
Anyway I am quiet glad that I almost get back to normal life again. My body is on the recovering tour. This is magnificent. I should thank the doctors (surgeons) and the nurses there. They were great. They were very efficient and very caring to us, the patients.
Most of all to God for let me get through this thing to understand everything is under His control not my control. To just depend on Him totally.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Apa pejabat kita emang sebegitu bebal dan bodohnya untuk mengakui
tragedi Mei.
Oh is it thing to be forgotten?
Memaafkan mungkin tapi melupakan tidak mungkin. (Josh Chen)
Kita diminta untuk nasionalis. Hei nasionalis nggak berarti kita
melupakan kesalahan masa lalu.
Jakgung Sarankan Kasus Kerusuhan 1998 Diarahkan Pelanggaran HAM Biasa
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Jaksa Agung (Jakgung), Hendarman Supandji,
menyarankan bahwa kasus kerusuhan 1998 sebaiknya diarahkan ke
pelanggaran hukum Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) biasa guna memudahkan
"Dengan pasal HAM biasa pasal 338 dan 339 tabir gelap kasus itu akan
bisa diungkap. Dalam KUHP bisa dilihat siapa yang menyuruh melakukan,
yang melakukan atau turut serta melakukan bisa kena semua," katanya di
Jakarta, Senin.
Usai Sidang Kabinet di Kantor Presiden, ia menimpali, "Jadi, dengan
mengarahkan pada kasus HAM biasa itu bisa kena semua, jadi kenapa
harus dengan HAM berat?"
Menurut Hendarman, dengan mengarahkan kasus itu ke kasus pelanggaran
HAM biasa, juga bisa mengungkap dalang dari kejadian itu, karena
pembuktian kasusnya lebih mudah dilakukan dari pada menjadikannya
kasus HAM berat.
Ia menjelaskan, selama ini pengungkapan kasus Kerusuhan 1998 yang
diarahkan sebagai pelanggaran HAM berat sulit untuk diungkap, karena
membutuhkan pembuktian yang menyeluruh dan sistematis.
Selain itu, untuk mengungkap kasus pelanggaran HAM berat perlu ada
persetujuan dari DPR sebagai syarat untuk memenuhi azas retroaktif.
"Untuk membuktikan unsur itu tidak gampang. Salah satunya harus ada
persetujuan DPR untuk memenuhi azas retroaktif," katanya.
Hendarman mengusulkan, agar kasus kerusuhan 1998 dibuka kembali dengan
mengarahkannya pada kasus pelanggaran HAM biasa selama masa kadaluarsa
kasus ini belum terlewati.
"Kedaluarsanya 18 tahun, sehingga sekarang belum kedaluarsa. Kalau
umpamanya pelaku-pelakunya TNI akan diselidiki POM TNI, sedangkan
kalau pelakunya sipil dan TNI dilakukan pengadilan koneksitas,
hukumnya memberikan peluang," katanya.
Hendarman menambahkan, hal ini bukanlah sebuah terobosan karena
Undang-Undang (UU)-nya sudah ada, namun belum dimanfaatkan. (*)
tragedi Mei.
Oh is it thing to be forgotten?
Memaafkan mungkin tapi melupakan tidak mungkin. (Josh Chen)
Kita diminta untuk nasionalis. Hei nasionalis nggak berarti kita
melupakan kesalahan masa lalu.
Jakgung Sarankan Kasus Kerusuhan 1998 Diarahkan Pelanggaran HAM Biasa
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Jaksa Agung (Jakgung), Hendarman Supandji,
menyarankan bahwa kasus kerusuhan 1998 sebaiknya diarahkan ke
pelanggaran hukum Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) biasa guna memudahkan
"Dengan pasal HAM biasa pasal 338 dan 339 tabir gelap kasus itu akan
bisa diungkap. Dalam KUHP bisa dilihat siapa yang menyuruh melakukan,
yang melakukan atau turut serta melakukan bisa kena semua," katanya di
Jakarta, Senin.
Usai Sidang Kabinet di Kantor Presiden, ia menimpali, "Jadi, dengan
mengarahkan pada kasus HAM biasa itu bisa kena semua, jadi kenapa
harus dengan HAM berat?"
Menurut Hendarman, dengan mengarahkan kasus itu ke kasus pelanggaran
HAM biasa, juga bisa mengungkap dalang dari kejadian itu, karena
pembuktian kasusnya lebih mudah dilakukan dari pada menjadikannya
kasus HAM berat.
Ia menjelaskan, selama ini pengungkapan kasus Kerusuhan 1998 yang
diarahkan sebagai pelanggaran HAM berat sulit untuk diungkap, karena
membutuhkan pembuktian yang menyeluruh dan sistematis.
Selain itu, untuk mengungkap kasus pelanggaran HAM berat perlu ada
persetujuan dari DPR sebagai syarat untuk memenuhi azas retroaktif.
"Untuk membuktikan unsur itu tidak gampang. Salah satunya harus ada
persetujuan DPR untuk memenuhi azas retroaktif," katanya.
Hendarman mengusulkan, agar kasus kerusuhan 1998 dibuka kembali dengan
mengarahkannya pada kasus pelanggaran HAM biasa selama masa kadaluarsa
kasus ini belum terlewati.
"Kedaluarsanya 18 tahun, sehingga sekarang belum kedaluarsa. Kalau
umpamanya pelaku-pelakunya TNI akan diselidiki POM TNI, sedangkan
kalau pelakunya sipil dan TNI dilakukan pengadilan koneksitas,
hukumnya memberikan peluang," katanya.
Hendarman menambahkan, hal ini bukanlah sebuah terobosan karena
Undang-Undang (UU)-nya sudah ada, namun belum dimanfaatkan. (*)
Saturday, May 12, 2007
he is not really a good singer, well he can at least sing, but what keep him for getting attention and all the praises due his originality.
He is unique, he has his own way, he purchases everything, betting on his own style. His key of success.
A bit of like me, but I'm not as brave as he, still on the way. Nevertheless I posted his song. Really Cool.
he is not really a good singer, well he can at least sing, but what keep him for getting attention and all the praises due his originality.
He is unique, he has his own way, he purchases everything, betting on his own style. His key of success.
A bit of like me, but I'm not as brave as he, still on the way. Nevertheless I posted his song. Really Cool.
Friday, May 04, 2007
overdosis of leukocytes art basophil.
Never knew before until today. My doctor told me that all the symptoms I have is caused by over reaction of my body against something. Kind of allergic status.
The Basophil that I have is 4,7 times the maximum number of normal person. My body reacts quiet strongly with certain things. Example is dust. I can't be exposed to a lot of dust. I can't breath will cough and sneeze the whole time.
But new thing for me. Until today I didnt know that Leukocytes or more common as white blood cells are differentiated into several types like the one with memory or for T Cell or for the allergic. Wow new thing for me. Cool.
Further information check this link
Here is one of my favorite music long long time ago
Never knew before until today. My doctor told me that all the symptoms I have is caused by over reaction of my body against something. Kind of allergic status.
The Basophil that I have is 4,7 times the maximum number of normal person. My body reacts quiet strongly with certain things. Example is dust. I can't be exposed to a lot of dust. I can't breath will cough and sneeze the whole time.
But new thing for me. Until today I didnt know that Leukocytes or more common as white blood cells are differentiated into several types like the one with memory or for T Cell or for the allergic. Wow new thing for me. Cool.
Further information check this link
Here is one of my favorite music long long time ago
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
me and a very good friend of me
me: argghhhhhhhhh I am drop death tired sick, etc, etc
he: then see a doctor
me: I dont have time. I have so many deadlines. I have to submit many things this week
he: health is more important
me: I know I will have to make an appointment
== yes in this country you have to make appointment to see a doctor == the problem is how could you plan that you will get sick ==
== 10 minutes later ==
he: got bored here
me: why
he: == so out of the record == cannot be published here ==
me: try you best, melt yourself, break the ice
== 10 minutes later ==
me: Got problem with Christianity
he: why
me: I never admit to anyone that I am a Christian
he: why
me: cause i have a lot of issues with my faith and my life
he: dont get into too deep where you will at the end try to mix Christianity with action. To get salvation through act
me: no, not like that. I have a lot of issues at the moment. Where until I can settle it I wont say I am a Christian. I believe in Jesus yes I do. But I won't tell anyone that I have Christianity as religion. I am trying to build relationship with Him
== 10 minutes later ==
Talk about Extremist Christian people.
We talked really for a long long long time
me: argghhhhhhhhh I am drop death tired sick, etc, etc
he: then see a doctor
me: I dont have time. I have so many deadlines. I have to submit many things this week
he: health is more important
me: I know I will have to make an appointment
== yes in this country you have to make appointment to see a doctor == the problem is how could you plan that you will get sick ==
== 10 minutes later ==
he: got bored here
me: why
he: == so out of the record == cannot be published here ==
me: try you best, melt yourself, break the ice
== 10 minutes later ==
me: Got problem with Christianity
he: why
me: I never admit to anyone that I am a Christian
he: why
me: cause i have a lot of issues with my faith and my life
he: dont get into too deep where you will at the end try to mix Christianity with action. To get salvation through act
me: no, not like that. I have a lot of issues at the moment. Where until I can settle it I wont say I am a Christian. I believe in Jesus yes I do. But I won't tell anyone that I have Christianity as religion. I am trying to build relationship with Him
== 10 minutes later ==
Talk about Extremist Christian people.
We talked really for a long long long time
Somebody called my name at the airport, about a month ago
I turned back. Ohhh that guy. Yike....
me: oh its you
that guy: how are you doing
me: suck, I could have a better day
that guy: Oh I am so sorry
me: Why are you feeling sorry for
that guy: I am sad that you always have a bad day
== information == everytime we meet == he always ask me the same old thing == boring ==
me: You dont have too, I had a bad day at job, but my whole life in a whole is great
that guy: oh okay but then you hate your job
me: No... I love my job. Just today I had a bad day
== then I just ignore the guy ==
I turned back. Ohhh that guy. Yike....
me: oh its you
that guy: how are you doing
me: suck, I could have a better day
that guy: Oh I am so sorry
me: Why are you feeling sorry for
that guy: I am sad that you always have a bad day
== information == everytime we meet == he always ask me the same old thing == boring ==
me: You dont have too, I had a bad day at job, but my whole life in a whole is great
that guy: oh okay but then you hate your job
me: No... I love my job. Just today I had a bad day
== then I just ignore the guy ==
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
job job job
Yes I love my job. I am working at the moment in a very famous company. Quiet big and a bit complex due to the history. I wish to work in a whole new company without a long history behind. A long history sometimes not always a good thing, since there always conflict left over not settled until now, or there is a very complex structure of company. Where it makes the company totally unflexible. But there is a good news, the company is doing some transformation. It is not easy but it will be the best for everyone of us. Yes there will be some difficult situation or time but changing is not always easy. We need a good change management principle. Not easy but I believe that we can do that. Yes together we can do that.
Next time I will write a bit of my job. My job connected a lot with trips. I have sooooooo many trips around the world, which I sometimes like it sometimes hate it depending on how tired I am.
Yes I love my job. I am working at the moment in a very famous company. Quiet big and a bit complex due to the history. I wish to work in a whole new company without a long history behind. A long history sometimes not always a good thing, since there always conflict left over not settled until now, or there is a very complex structure of company. Where it makes the company totally unflexible. But there is a good news, the company is doing some transformation. It is not easy but it will be the best for everyone of us. Yes there will be some difficult situation or time but changing is not always easy. We need a good change management principle. Not easy but I believe that we can do that. Yes together we can do that.
Next time I will write a bit of my job. My job connected a lot with trips. I have sooooooo many trips around the world, which I sometimes like it sometimes hate it depending on how tired I am.
80's is cool
totally cool. My goodness I am crazy of 80's but only their songs. I dont like their dress. Yaik. Dont think I can wear something what they wore that time. Just not me.
I am hearing at the moment Bonnie Tyler: Total Eclipse of the heart. This song is fucking cool. Her voice is really deep low for a woman. I can achieve her tone easily. Nothing I can do total eclipse of the heart.
Cool isn't it? This woman was on fire.
totally cool. My goodness I am crazy of 80's but only their songs. I dont like their dress. Yaik. Dont think I can wear something what they wore that time. Just not me.
I am hearing at the moment Bonnie Tyler: Total Eclipse of the heart. This song is fucking cool. Her voice is really deep low for a woman. I can achieve her tone easily. Nothing I can do total eclipse of the heart.
Cool isn't it? This woman was on fire.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Monday, April 09, 2007
I have to whistle for a while. :-D
Basically I am really blessed. Blessed for everything in my life. Can not count all the blessings that I've got. Although I didnt earn them. Yes I shouldnt have been blessed if I see my life. Sad unfortunately my life doesn't reflect the way of a good man. I am not a good man. Far from it.
Just a quote for today through the easter periode. Thank You for everything. Let it not be happened for me to run away from You. Forbid it.
I have to whistle for a while. :-D
Basically I am really blessed. Blessed for everything in my life. Can not count all the blessings that I've got. Although I didnt earn them. Yes I shouldnt have been blessed if I see my life. Sad unfortunately my life doesn't reflect the way of a good man. I am not a good man. Far from it.
Just a quote for today through the easter periode. Thank You for everything. Let it not be happened for me to run away from You. Forbid it.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
hour of power
just saw the hour of power channel in MSNBC. Great show for christianity. Love it. And specially the way they brought the message and the music.
Unfortunately the famous name of crystal cathedral was tarnished due to suicide incident in 2004. The most famous conductor of them killed himself due to bipolar stress depodent. Hmmm.
Then there was a discussion if one kill himself can go to heaven. Because they believed that this guy died in peace with a smile and he is a very religious and devoted person to God. What do you think?
just saw the hour of power channel in MSNBC. Great show for christianity. Love it. And specially the way they brought the message and the music.
Unfortunately the famous name of crystal cathedral was tarnished due to suicide incident in 2004. The most famous conductor of them killed himself due to bipolar stress depodent. Hmmm.
Then there was a discussion if one kill himself can go to heaven. Because they believed that this guy died in peace with a smile and he is a very religious and devoted person to God. What do you think?
Friday, April 06, 2007
About me,
I consider myself as:
- funny
- emotional
- crazy
- hardworker
- serious
Yes a lot of contradiction in me. In some case I am lunatic funny in other case I am totally serious always in focus. That of course make some people confuse how to handle or deal with me.
About my appearance, I dont consider myself as very good looking person. Nope. But my appearance is quiet nice or pleasing. Yes I dont have problem to have this look.
Jump back to my personality. I dont have such a nice guy personality that pleases everyone. Not at all. I am the type of guy that half of the people will hate me totally and half of the people will love me totally. I am not the guy in the middle where people will say: Paul? He is a nice guy. But thats all. About me some people will say very mean thing and some will say very nice thing. Why? Guess this is due to my directness. I am way too direct. I don't use any mask. Cause I feel good with my personality. Nobody can tell me to change to this or to behave to this. I am not going to sacrifice myself to satisfy everyone. No thats not me.
About what I do for living, I love my job. This is what I like. It is crazy job a lot of stress but I like it so much. And yes I am good at my job although still many things to be made better. I am still working at it. For the grace of God I have always been blessed with great bosses. Even from the beginning of my career. Until now I have good relationship with my bosses.
Ok thats all for now.
I consider myself as:
- funny
- emotional
- crazy
- hardworker
- serious
Yes a lot of contradiction in me. In some case I am lunatic funny in other case I am totally serious always in focus. That of course make some people confuse how to handle or deal with me.
About my appearance, I dont consider myself as very good looking person. Nope. But my appearance is quiet nice or pleasing. Yes I dont have problem to have this look.
Jump back to my personality. I dont have such a nice guy personality that pleases everyone. Not at all. I am the type of guy that half of the people will hate me totally and half of the people will love me totally. I am not the guy in the middle where people will say: Paul? He is a nice guy. But thats all. About me some people will say very mean thing and some will say very nice thing. Why? Guess this is due to my directness. I am way too direct. I don't use any mask. Cause I feel good with my personality. Nobody can tell me to change to this or to behave to this. I am not going to sacrifice myself to satisfy everyone. No thats not me.
About what I do for living, I love my job. This is what I like. It is crazy job a lot of stress but I like it so much. And yes I am good at my job although still many things to be made better. I am still working at it. For the grace of God I have always been blessed with great bosses. Even from the beginning of my career. Until now I have good relationship with my bosses.
Ok thats all for now.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
positive thinking
Well I dont like people who always complaining. Especially the one who complains about anything. Every little thing. Usually I won't like to friend with this kind of person. No way. Not really a good way of good person actually. Cause if you are a good person, you will friend with anyone without comparison. Yes I am still far away from being a real christian person. But here its me.b
Well I dont like people who always complaining. Especially the one who complains about anything. Every little thing. Usually I won't like to friend with this kind of person. No way. Not really a good way of good person actually. Cause if you are a good person, you will friend with anyone without comparison. Yes I am still far away from being a real christian person. But here its me.b
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Whenever you Call
Love wandered inside
Stronger than you
Stronger than I
And now that it has begun
We cannot turn back
We can only turn into one
I won't ever be too far away to feel you
And I won't hesitate at all
Whenever you call
And I'll always remember
The part of you so tender
I'll be the one to catch you fall
Whenever you call
And I'm truly inspired
Finding my soul
There in your eyes
And you
Have opened my heart
And lifted me inside
By showing me yourself
I won't ever be too far away to feel you
And I won't hesitate at all
Whenever you call
And I'll always remember
The part of you so tender
I'll be the one to catch you fall
Whenever you call
And I will breathe for you each day
Comfort you through all the pain
Gently kiss your fears away
You can turn to me and cry
Always understand that I
Give you all I am inside
I won't ever be too far away to feel you
And I won't hesitate at all
Whenever you call
I won't ever be too far away to feel you
And I won't hesitate at all
Whenever you call
And I'll always remember
The part of you so tender
I'll be the one to catch you fall
Whenever you call
Love wandered inside
Stronger than you
Stronger than I
And now that it has begun
We cannot turn back
We can only turn into one
I won't ever be too far away to feel you
And I won't hesitate at all
Whenever you call
And I'll always remember
The part of you so tender
I'll be the one to catch you fall
Whenever you call
And I'm truly inspired
Finding my soul
There in your eyes
And you
Have opened my heart
And lifted me inside
By showing me yourself
I won't ever be too far away to feel you
And I won't hesitate at all
Whenever you call
And I'll always remember
The part of you so tender
I'll be the one to catch you fall
Whenever you call
And I will breathe for you each day
Comfort you through all the pain
Gently kiss your fears away
You can turn to me and cry
Always understand that I
Give you all I am inside
I won't ever be too far away to feel you
And I won't hesitate at all
Whenever you call
I won't ever be too far away to feel you
And I won't hesitate at all
Whenever you call
And I'll always remember
The part of you so tender
I'll be the one to catch you fall
Whenever you call
Sunday, February 11, 2007
ja Unterhose zu kaufen ist doch nicht eine einfache Sache. Es ist wirklich schwierig. Besonders hier, da Unterhose wirklich teuer ist. Und auch die passende Art. Ich bin ein Klassiker. Ich liebe Boxer Shorts. Ich hasse die kleine enge geschnittene Unterhose. Boxer Shorts für mich ist die beste, ich habe viel Freiheit zu bewegen. :-D
Dann kaufe ich jetzt 2 mal und ziemlich teuer. Hei ist es unglaublich, dass Unterhose so teuer ist. Man zeigt sowieso die Unterhose nicht.
ja Unterhose zu kaufen ist doch nicht eine einfache Sache. Es ist wirklich schwierig. Besonders hier, da Unterhose wirklich teuer ist. Und auch die passende Art. Ich bin ein Klassiker. Ich liebe Boxer Shorts. Ich hasse die kleine enge geschnittene Unterhose. Boxer Shorts für mich ist die beste, ich habe viel Freiheit zu bewegen. :-D
Dann kaufe ich jetzt 2 mal und ziemlich teuer. Hei ist es unglaublich, dass Unterhose so teuer ist. Man zeigt sowieso die Unterhose nicht.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Sunday, February 04, 2007
hik hik yes I am totally hungry. :-D let me eat something first this morning.
I am still lazying around this morning on my bed and hearing some music. Sigh I am hearing Beyonce. He he he he. Well basically I dont really like her. I dont really like her attitude to be the center of everything. To be the spotlight of the group. Well destiny child is a group or suppose to be. But what I saw is one woman group, the others just as supporters. Kind of hate it. Since we have to admit that Kelly and Michelle can really sing. I love their voice.
I hate the ending of Ooh child from destiny and Cindy Lauper, where Beyonce tried to make a sensational ending, which actually really sucks!
hik hik yes I am totally hungry. :-D let me eat something first this morning.
I am still lazying around this morning on my bed and hearing some music. Sigh I am hearing Beyonce. He he he he. Well basically I dont really like her. I dont really like her attitude to be the center of everything. To be the spotlight of the group. Well destiny child is a group or suppose to be. But what I saw is one woman group, the others just as supporters. Kind of hate it. Since we have to admit that Kelly and Michelle can really sing. I love their voice.
I hate the ending of Ooh child from destiny and Cindy Lauper, where Beyonce tried to make a sensational ending, which actually really sucks!
well 1am and still typing thing in this laptop. :-D
Totally tired but still cant sleep. Have a lot of things on my mind.
Dont know a lot what the future may come. Waiting for the end of February. Basically I am not really worry but a bit. :-D It is not going to help much with worrying things, trying to give everything unto His hand. He knows what better for me than anybody else.
Think have to talk with friends about this. Or may be not at all. Think to relax and enjoy the rest of the week and prepare for the coming monday through the job that I really like.
well 1am and still typing thing in this laptop. :-D
Totally tired but still cant sleep. Have a lot of things on my mind.
Dont know a lot what the future may come. Waiting for the end of February. Basically I am not really worry but a bit. :-D It is not going to help much with worrying things, trying to give everything unto His hand. He knows what better for me than anybody else.
Think have to talk with friends about this. Or may be not at all. Think to relax and enjoy the rest of the week and prepare for the coming monday through the job that I really like.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Ooh-oo child
Things are gonna get easier
Ooh-oo child
Things'll get brighter
Ooh-oo child
Things are gonna get easier
Ooh-oo child
Things'll get brighter
Some day, yeah
We'll get it together and we'll get it all done
Some day
When your head is much lighter
Some day, yeah
We'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun
Some day
When the world is much brighter
Ooh-oo child
Things are gonna be easier
Ooh-oo child
Things'll get be brighter
Ooh-oo child
Things are gonna be easier
Ooh-oo child
Things'll get be brighter
Some day, yeah
We'll get it together and we'll get it all done
Some day
When your head is much lighter
Some day, yeah
We'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun
Some day
When the world is much brighter
Some day, yeah
We'll get it together and we'll get it all done
Some day
When your head is much lighter
Some day, yeah
We'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun
Some day
When the world is much brighter
Ooh-oo child
Things are gonna get easier
Ooh-oo child
Things'll get brighter
Ooh-oo child
Things are gonna get easier
Ooh-oo child
Things'll get brighter
Right now, right now
Things are gonna get easier
Ooh-oo child
Things'll get brighter
Ooh-oo child
Things are gonna get easier
Ooh-oo child
Things'll get brighter
Some day, yeah
We'll get it together and we'll get it all done
Some day
When your head is much lighter
Some day, yeah
We'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun
Some day
When the world is much brighter
Ooh-oo child
Things are gonna be easier
Ooh-oo child
Things'll get be brighter
Ooh-oo child
Things are gonna be easier
Ooh-oo child
Things'll get be brighter
Some day, yeah
We'll get it together and we'll get it all done
Some day
When your head is much lighter
Some day, yeah
We'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun
Some day
When the world is much brighter
Some day, yeah
We'll get it together and we'll get it all done
Some day
When your head is much lighter
Some day, yeah
We'll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun
Some day
When the world is much brighter
Ooh-oo child
Things are gonna get easier
Ooh-oo child
Things'll get brighter
Ooh-oo child
Things are gonna get easier
Ooh-oo child
Things'll get brighter
Right now, right now
I am lying on my bed today. A bit sick, my nose is killing me, just running all the time. snif snif.
my boss called me today to tell me the good news about a new team member. I should say that I am really blessed with all my bosses (now and previous ones). They are all so nice.
I love my new task, my project, I just need to give my whole more into it. Sometimes which I didnt give. Sigh. What I need more is to be more active to interact with more international people compares only sitting and reading mails. Sigh. :-D hehehe but I do really my new task. It is really cool. I will learn a lot.
I am going to have the whole day rest basically doing nothing and may be calling some people to annoy them hehehehe
my boss called me today to tell me the good news about a new team member. I should say that I am really blessed with all my bosses (now and previous ones). They are all so nice.
I love my new task, my project, I just need to give my whole more into it. Sometimes which I didnt give. Sigh. What I need more is to be more active to interact with more international people compares only sitting and reading mails. Sigh. :-D hehehe but I do really my new task. It is really cool. I will learn a lot.
I am going to have the whole day rest basically doing nothing and may be calling some people to annoy them hehehehe
Sunday, January 07, 2007
new year new resolution
well actually I already drop death tired. Just wanna sleep. Already 15 minutes in the dream zone. Suddenly woken up. Arrrrrghhhhhhh
Ok then I said let me write something in this blog. I promised myself today to write the biggest resolution in my life, which is:
To start this year with God.
To have Him in charge of the planning of my life.
To make a detail planning with scenarios.
OK this is not 01.01 anymore. But better late than never.
Should be no more procrastination anymore.
well actually I already drop death tired. Just wanna sleep. Already 15 minutes in the dream zone. Suddenly woken up. Arrrrrghhhhhhh
Ok then I said let me write something in this blog. I promised myself today to write the biggest resolution in my life, which is:
To start this year with God.
To have Him in charge of the planning of my life.
To make a detail planning with scenarios.
OK this is not 01.01 anymore. But better late than never.
Should be no more procrastination anymore.
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